
© Michael Sazel
Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Heinz W. Engl
University of Vienna
"CeMM is a remarkable place, where new approaches are explored, combining existing disciplines or progressing between disciplines into uncharted
territories. I am pleased that we have built on our longstanding positive relationship with CeMM’s leadership by establishing official collaborative agreements between the University of Vienna and CeMM. The agreements focus, on the one hand, on teaching and training, and on the other, on two professors of the University of Vienna, Nuno Maulide and Jörg Menche, who are part of the extended CeMM faculty as Adjunct Principal Investigators. With biomedicine being a more exciting and vital discipline today than ever before, I wish all of CeMM continued success in the years to come, and look forward to further enhancing our collaboration in future."