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Meet Dimitris Tsiantoulas

1.    Tell me in 5 words who is Dimitris Tsiantoulas?
Dad, indefatigable, considerate, impatient, curious.

2.    What made you join CeMM?
When I met the people at CeMM, I realized that this is a very well-organized community with a vision to advance scientific knowledge for the benefit of patients. That was more than enough to decide to join CeMM.

3.    What is it about science that interests you the most?
You get to ask - and hopefully answer - the scientific questions that need to be answered.

4.    What is the best career advice you ever received, or you can give to the CeMM community?
The best career advice that I have received is that: “Nothing can be accomplished without perseverance.”

5.    Tell us what happened to you after you left CeMM?
After leaving CeMM, I worked for 2.5 years as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Ziad Mallat’s lab at the University of Cambridge. This was an exciting time and it offered me the opportunity to experience science in a place where amazing scientific breakthroughs have happened. After Cambridge, I returned to Vienna and started my research group at the MedUni. We are studying the interplay between the immune and cardiovascular system.

6.    What book do you have on your night table at the moment?
Lifespan, Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To, by David A. Sinclair.

7.    What is the last song you heard?
Phantoms and Friends (Ola Man Canyon).

8.    Any message you would like to give to the CeMMies or a former colleague?
It is a unique opportunity to be part of CeMM. Engage, work hard, collaborate and do all these today, as this is a one-time chance.

Dimitris Tsiantoulas completed his PhD studies in former CeMM Principal Investigator Christoph Binder. After graduating, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow, funded by the British Heart Foundation, in Ziad Mallat’s group at the University of Cambridge. Since 2019, he is a research group leader at the Medical University of Vienna. In 2022, Dimitris has been awarded an ERC Starting grant to develop innovative immunotherapies for cardiovascular diseases.