
CeMM is embedded in the campus of the Medical University of Vienna and Vienna General Hospital.
Embedded in the campus of the Medical University of Vienna and Vienna General Hospital, Austria’s largest medical research complex, CeMM’s position promotes a close collaboration between basic researchers and clinicians. Vienna can look back on an excellent scientific tradition in the field of medical research. Semmelweis, Billroth, Landsteiner, Freud, Rokitansky are part of its history. It is a big privilege for CeMM to be situated on the medical campus and to build on the tradition of the Vienna Medical School, by following a highly modern post-genomic approach.
CeMM moved into its own research building in 2010. Several of its Principal Investigators and collaborators go back and forth on a daily basis from their medical duties to their CeMM benches, following the goal of CeMM to assist in preparing the predictive, preventive and personalized medicine of the future. To all CeMM researchers, CeMM offers a world-class mass spectrometry and genomics facility, a deep-sequencing unit, bioinformatics expertise, a chemical biology facility, a virology lab and access to imaging and sorting. Emphasis is given to unusually strong support through freedom, infrastructure and dedicated mentoring to students, postdocs and PIs early in their career. CeMM’s administration and scientific support team is dedicated to taking as much organizational burden from researchers as possible.
How to get to the CeMM research building
Research Center for Molecular Medicine
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Lazarettgasse 14, AKH BT 25.3
1090 Vienna, Austria