Work at CeMM

HR Excellence In Research Award
CeMM is a proud recipient of the HR Excellence in Research Award (HRS4R). The award is given by the European Commission to institutes that endorse the 40 principles of The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and take the necessary steps to further improve their HR processes. The HRS4R highlights and appreciates CeMM’s long-term commitment to improving the working conditions, recruitment processes, and training aspects for its employees. We stand for creating a favorable working environment for researchers that ensures their rights and fosters their growth. For candidates applying to CeMM, the HRS4R indicates that CeMM takes care of the well-being of its employees, that the recruitment process is open, fair, and transparent, and that CeMM offers professional appraisals and career development procedures.
At CeMM, emphasis is given to mentoring independent young investigators and scientists early in their careers, through freedom, availability of infrastructure and a strong support system. A flat hierarchy, where the input of every single person is appreciated and required, leads to an enjoyable work environment and an increase in productivity and ideas.