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Sponsorship Project Terrace Chairs

Thank you to the donors

To replace the aging furniture on the terrace, CeMM started the fundraising campaign “One Chair One for CeMM”, in December 2020. We are very grateful to the sponsors for supporting the purchase of 48 inspirational and weatherproof chairs from the brand Magis. The improvement of the terrace as an important communication and leisure space helps CeMM – in challenging times like these - to expand and leave our usual meeting rooms. Sitting outside means an additional safety strategy during the Covid pandemic.

We would like to thank all sponsors who contributed to the chairs:

Andreas Bergthaler dedicated his chairs to Ella and Frieda, Christoph Bock, Martin Böhm, Lucrezia Böhm, Meinrad Busslinger, Anita Ender also dedicated an additional chair to her sister Nicole Ender, Traudl Engelhorn, Michael Freissmuth, Margarita Freissmuth, Michaela Fritz,Julian Hadschieff, Anna Heindl, Stefan Kubicek, Jürgen Meier, Markus Müller, Thomas Reiberger, 
Camilo Sánchez, Wolfgang Schütz, Daria E. Siekhaus dedicated chairs also to Elisabeth and Wigbert Siekhaus, Georg Stingl also dedicated an additional chair to Walter Knapp, Erich W. Streissler, Monika Streissler, Giulio Superti-Furga also dedicated chairs to Stefanie, Maria Josefine, and Giovanni Superti-Furga, Lucrezia Terzi, Eleni Tomazou, Andreas Villunger, Manfred Wakolbinger, Georg Winter.

Thank you to the corporate sponsors