© Giulio Superti-Furga
Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
President of the European Research Council
The European Research Council has been relying on the vitality of the scientific community to establish principles and best practice to support frontier research from the beginning. Giulio Superti -Furga has been a member of the Scientific Council of the ERC since January 2017. When he invited me to visit CeMM last May, I was impressed by the collaborative spirit within CeMM’s faculty, among which many ERC grantees, as well as among the Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows. ‘Looking at the same problem with different eyes’ seems to be the driving force for the success of the international and interdisciplinary team at CeMM. I am looking forward to active future interactions with the CeMM community, by a continuous flow of ERC applications, great ERC -supported research and participation of faculty as panel members.