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© Hans Leitner

Philipp von Lattorff

Country Managing Director Boehringer Ingelheim RCV Vienna

The expertise of its scientists and the outstanding infrastructure make the CeMM an important component of the life science scene in Vienna and a valuable biomedical research institution. The CeMM has at its disposal the most up-to-date key technologies of vital importance for our research work. Thanks to the institution’s geographical proximity, this technology can be exploited very effectively by our researchers. Alongside the IMP and IMBA, CeMM is the third high-caliber internationally competitive research institute in Vienna. It also plays a leading role in cooperative projects. Boehringer Ingelheim RCV collaborates with the CeMM in a Christian Doppler Laboratory in the field of epigenetics with a view to identifying new epigenetic target molecules for cancer treatment. Plans for further research beyond oncology are currently under discussion. The CeMM also has close ties with our basic research institute IMP. One current project in which the IMP and CeMM are collaborating is in the Special Research Programme Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. This international project seeks improved diagnosis and treatment possibilities for various types of leukemia. Giulio Superti-Furga (CeMM) and Johannes Zuber (IMP) are both involved as principal investigators. The close links between the two institutes is also demonstrated by the numerous publications with authors from the CeMM and IMP and the fact that many researchers have worked at both institutes. Outside the formal cooperation there is also ongoing lively and extremely valuable communication between researchers.